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401kWire.com401kWire Most Influential Nominees 2007
December 2006
Who are the 401(k) Industry's Most Influential?
Influence can flow from the financial resources to buy a competitor or create and market a new product. It can stem from a new idea that is -- or will be -- widely adopted or authoring a piece of legislation that changes the industry. It can also be as simple as holding the respect of one's peers so one's ideas can be widely spread and acted upon.
Additional 2007 Nominees for the Most Influential List |
Matthew Abraham
Claude Accum
Gregg Andonian
Louis Bachetti
David Baker
Max Baucus
Jeffrey Bauer
Jeff Bingaman
Bill Bisson
John Blossom
Reggie Bowser
Kent Buckles
Kent Callahan
Bradford Campbell
Jeffrey Carney
Fred Castellani
Steff Chalk
Elaine Chao
Win Cody
Christopher Cox
Barbara Delaney
Mike DiCenso
Robert Doyle
Jim Drury
Dan Esch
Lynn Franzoi
Josh Friedman
Sheldon Geller
Brent Glading
Mark Glavin
Jenna Gottlieb
James "Jeb" Graham
Bud Green
Walter Hamilton
Ward Harris
David Hinderstein
Dan Houston
Bill Jackson
Tom Johnson
Daniel Kahneman
Tom Kelly
Ted Kennedy
James Klein
Judy Knoll
Ian Kopelman
Kathy Kristof
Mark Lackritz
Steve Lansing
Alan Lebowitz
Randy Long
Ed Lynch
Don Mackanos
Katherine MacMillan
Brigitte Madrian
Jeff Maggioncalda
Mike Malone
Sandy McCarthy
Ellyn McColgan
Anne McKillips
Rick Meigs
Richard Menson
Thomas Mess
Jude Metcalfe
Jeffrey Miller
Bill Moore
Gretchen Morgenson
Tom Noble
Bob Paglione
Doug Politi
Jonathon Price
Alvin Rapp
W. Thomas Reeder
Patrick Reinkemeyer
Rosalind Robertson
Don Salama
Lynn Sarko
Syl Schieber
Paul Schott Stevens
Ellen Schultz
Ian Sheridan
Rick Shoff
Ted Siedle
Tim Slavin
Peter Smail
Dick Thaler
Tommy Thomasson
David Walker
Gail Weiss
Spencer Williams
Steve Wilt
We will list another 10 top influencers each work day until January 2.